It happens, sooner or later.
Sad because one has no friends or company.
Even if they live in the world of tyranny.
Nobody knows, nobody cares, nobody understand.
Even if you know everyone around still stand.
Outcast, oneself, uncherished, abandoned.
In the world with so many characters.
I saw the lonely fellow.
They fishing for happiness in the trouble waters.
They find for happiness in the thick fog.
They live in a prison with no walls.
They aren’t the hunger because they eat their feelings inside.
They never felt thirsty because all they drink was their own sorrow.
They never talk because they speak loud at night when everyone is sleeping.
They smile everyday but it only for the lips.
When the time comes, when their hearts become whole.
They step out from the boundary.
But still they won’t say a thing.
They will always say nothing.
Why? —-people ask
Because it’s better.
They needling the mouth, so the words won’t come out.
Life being so unfair but they never thought of commit suicide because they already dead, a long time ago.
And I, one feet inside the room.
To follow these fellow.
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