Day Review #1
It's not the 1980s anymore, there won't be a lot of kindness shown nowadays. It's saddening how mean and rude some people are, they won't think of your feelings, or if you're older or younger than them, or even know about basic human rights.
Don't let people ruin you, alright? I repeat, Do. Not. Let. People. Ruin. You. I know that there's still kindness inside of you, so try to be a nice person to the people who need it. Be sincerely kind, fix who you are. I know how hard it is to show kindness in a world like ours, and I want you to block them out, alright? Their opinions don't matter at all if it's bringing you down, what you think of yourself is what matters the most. Be kind. What do you lose if you be kind to people? If you're kind, nice to people, people will repay you in much more than what you gave them. Be kind. There are so little amount of people who still have a golden heart and a beautiful soul, so be that person. Help people when it's necessary. Be kind. Even when people are rude to you, hurt you in any form of way, take a deep breath, smile and wish them a great day. This kind of people needs that. Be kind. Even though you're having a bad day or going through a rough patch, be kind to yourself. Everything happens for a reason, you'll see how much the pain helps you in the future.
Be kind to the people who need it, always to your parents, to your friends, to the people around you, but especially to yourself. You'll never know how much they need that kindness, be the reason that people still believe that kindness still exists in this goddamn awful world. Be kind, always be kind.
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