
You are allowed to change.

Your love is allowed to change. If you are learning about yourself, if you are experiencing new things and flourishing inside, so is your heart; and your heart is allowed to recognize that, at a certain point in time, it may deserve something different than it once wanted. You are allowed to change your mind about the person you want to sleep beside; you are allowed to change your mind about the person you want to share your life with.

Your appearance is allowed to change. Do not let people tell you that loving yourself is conceited. You are not narcissistic, you are not high maintenance, you are not superficial, for doing things that make you feel empowered. If changing your hair, or going to the gym more, or putting on makeup, has inspired you to fall back in love with yourself, then you should be proud of what you are doing. In a society that benefits and profits off of your insecurity, liking yourself is your greatest rebellion — and you should never apologize for that.

Your passion is allowed to change. You are allowed to decide that you want to pursue a different degree, or career, or lifestyle. You are allowed to go from Science to Art  if you have always known deep down inside that your hands were made for painting. You are allowed to focus on something you may have never given the time of day to because you were simply listening to what was expected of you. You are allowed to take your time figuring out what truly sets your heart on fire. You are allowed to be more than your degree, more than your plan. You are allowed to rebuild your dreams. You are allowed to start over.

The people in your life who truly matter will never admonish you for changing. Instead, they will build you up; they will inspire and motivate you, because at the end of the day — change is something you should never be ashamed of. You don’t owe anyone an apology for changing. You don’t owe anyone an apology for being different than you were a year ago, for wanting new things.
Growth is a direction, not a destination — so follow it ruthlessly; give yourself permission to be who you have always wanted to be.



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